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Jonathan Adamson - Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Andrew Darke - Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire | ||
A number of artists came together as a result of attending the international "Landscape & Sculpture" symposium, Manchester Polytechnic, 1-3 September 1989. Six artists including Sue Hilder, Ute Kreyman, Anneke Pettican and John Sexton formed the group Art & Place shortly afterwards. PLACE evolved from this group in 1994. Anneke Pettican worked with PLACE from 1990 until 2001. Dr. Richard Cowell - Research Fellow at the Department of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University and Pam Day, artist, have collaborated closely with PLACE since 1997. * The group is a forum for debate and exchange on a variety of issues
surrounding art, public art, PLACE Open Meetings offer an opportunity for people from all walks of life to give a presentation to an assembled group about their work and concerns. People attending are are given the opportunity to both present and be a member of the audience over two consecutive meetings. They are asked to attend for two days, usually over a weekend, to allow time for social contacts. A reflective space is provided in which the speaker and audience can develop ideas, and the speaker can obtain feedback. Any subject can be discussed: there is no limitation of agenda. A discursive and responsive space becomes available, distinct from outside career structures, and not easy to find within the world of work. Note: all members have not necessarily been involved in all PLACE projects. PLACE is an unincorporated association. | ||
September 2008 | PLACE attends National Grid (NG), public exhibition of proposals for
its new control building to be built in the railway cutting at Dunford
Bridge. NG agrees to most of PLACE's, Campaign to Protect Rural England
(CPRE's), Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA's) and others
suggestions to improve the design. PLACE attends NG's second Stalybridge to Woodhead (4ZO) 400kV NG agrees to PLACE's requests for workshops on aspects of its work on the Stalybridge to Woodhead (4ZO) 400kV overhead transmission line. | |
August 2008 | PLACE submits a detailed response to NG's Stalybridge to Woodhead (4ZO) 400kV | |
July 2008 | PLACE attends with PDNPA and others NG's Stalybridge to Woodhead (4ZO) 400kV | |
April 2008 | PLACE attends Community Liason Meeting at Crow Edge re NG Woodhead Tunnel re-cabling called by NG Electricity Alliance East. | |
February 2008 | PLACE attends scoping meeting re NG Woodhead Tunnel re-cabling called by NG - (see news) | |
January 2008 | PLACE attends a Dunford Bridge Community meeting re NG Woodhead Tunnel re-cabling called by National Grid | |
November 2007 | New PLACE website goes online www.p-l-a-c-e.org | |
October 2007 | National Grid (NG), PLACE, Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) meet on site in the National Park (NP) to discuss a number of aspects of NG’s future work including PLACE’s proposed tree planting to mitigate NG’s works and the impact of the A628 in the area. | |
July 2007 |
A joint PLACE/CPRE leaflet circulated with CPRE’s “Peakland Guardian” causes 16 letters to be written to the (PDNPA) concerning National Grid’s proposals for work within the NP. PLACE speaks to PDNPA Planning Committee at its meeting when discussing National Grid’s proposals for its Thorpe Marsh to Stalybridge 400kV overhead line upgrade project, approximately 9 miles of which runs through the Peak District National Park. | |
June 2007 | PLACE requests and is granted consultee status with National Grid for its Thorpe Marsh to Stalybridge 400kV overhead line upgrade project. | |
The Forestry Commission writes to all the mobile phone providers inviting them to join a PLACE / Forestry Commission initiative to reduce the impact of mobile phone technology in the landscape. A letter is received from the Mobile Operators Association declining the invitation. PLACE “Open Meeting” at Tower House, Huddersfield (see above) | ||
May 2007 | “Text and Image Collage” 2007 completed, brings together the work of poet Stephen Spender and photographer Jo Spence. | |
November 2006 | “A New Vision for Longdendale in the Peak District National Park and the Upper Don Valley” is published by PLACE advocating additional “undergrounding” of the Thorpe Marsh to Stalybridge 400kV overhead transmission line when refurbishment of the cabling running through the Woodhead Tunnel takes place. This proposal is supported by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) and the Council for National Parks (CNP). | |
September 2006 | PLACE and representatives of the CPRE, CNP, Friends of the Lake District (FLD) and the National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty meet the Director of Transmissions of Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) to discuss issues around “undergrounding” parts of the National Grid. | |
August 2006 | “Planning” magazine (the journal of the Royal Town Planning Institute) prints a letter from PLACE demonstrating the inaccuracy of an earlier article. The letter is critical of the current approach of the mobile phone industry to environmental issues. | |
April 2006 | PLACE “Open Meeting” hosted by Andrew Darke at Field House, Gloucestershire. Six people gave presentations on a wide variety of subjects. | |
March 2006 | "Revive Time Kaki Tree Project" A new planting of a Kaki tree sapling
in Edgerton Cemetery, Huddersfield. The planting was initiated by Jonathan
Adamson and was attended by approx. 10 children and 16 adults. see: http://www6.plala.or.jp/kaki-project/toppg-e.html | |
February 2006 | PLACE receives full support from CPRE for its “undergrounding” initiative for a section of the National Grid lying within the Peak National Park. | |
January 2006 | Arts Council Grant of £4,500 for “Views, Vistas and Reverie - Period 2” collaboration with the Forestry Commission. This will establish a best practice project on FC land for the design and siting of mobile telecoms infrastructure in landscape . | |
November 2005 | The “Views, Vistas and Reverie” research goes online, click - view, vista & reverie - to view | |
October 2005 | “Views, Vistas and Reverie – A Photographic Survey of the Intrusion of Telecommunications Infrastructure in the Landscape of the Forest of Dean” published. | |
September 2005 | The Forestry Commission invites PLACE to work with them on a ‘best practice’ project. | |
August 2005 | PLACE meets the Forestry Commission (FC), England to discuss the “Views, Vistas and Reverie” research and the initiation of a ‘best practice’ project reducing the impact of telecoms base stations on FC land. | |
March 2005 | “Open Meeting” organised by PLACE and hosted by Tam Giles at St. James Studios, London. Six people gave presentations. | |
March - May 2005 | PLACE meets again with the CPRE – ongoing discussions re a new vision for the Longdendale Valley, Peak National Park. | |
January 2005 | PLACE meets representatives of the CPRE at Woodhead in the Peak District National Park to discuss PLACE’s proposals for potential environmental improvements for the Longdendale Valley. | |
November 2004 | PLACE meets with the National Grid to discuss their “surface trough” undergrounding system. | |
September 2004 | PLACE accepts an invitation from the “Friends of the Lake District” to their “Overhead Wires Planning Seminar.” | |
August 2004 | As a result of a correspondence about the impact of high voltage transmission lines in the landscape between PLACE (initiated by JA) and the National Grid, PLACE is invited to a meeting. | |
June 2004 | Forest of Dean District Council
Telecomms Mast Working Group first meeting. PLACE accepts £6K funding offered by the Countryside Agency to produce a Telecommunications Infrastructure Study for the FoDDC area. | |
May 2004 | PLACE gives oral evidence to apMobile the Parliamentary Inquiry into Planning Law as it Affects the Siting of Mobile Phone Masts. | |
April 2004 | PLACE submits written evidence to the
above Inquiry. “Dinch me Dark God” exhibition, discussion group and slide show by Jonathan Adamson and Pamela Day, April 2-4 at Field House, Gloucestershire. | |
October 2003 | Negotiations between PLACE, Forest of Dean District Council and the Countryside Agency to facilitate a project to reduce the impact of | |
March 2004 | Telecomms infrastructure on the community and landscape in the FoD. The project co-lead by Councillor Stephen McMillan and PLACE is adopted by the Council on 19/2/2004 | |
July 2003 | The Countryside Agency organises a meeting in the Forest of Dean in response to PLACE's telecomms initiative, which brings together a range of interested parties. | |
September 2002 | Director ofPlanning for the Forest ofDean District Council (FoDDC), Jim Stewart, acknowledges PLACE's help on the new Supplementary Planning Guidance for Telecommunications Masts. The new Guidance will be sent to companies wishing to erect new telecomms installations in the Forest ofDean. | |
September 2001 | Scottish Executive Development Department publishes Planning Advice Note 62 (PAN 62) on Radio Telecommunications. PLACE's help is acknowledged by Senior Planner, Ben Train. | |
11 August 2 September 2001 |
ATLASproject presented at Galleri 21, Radmansgatan 5, 211 46 Malmo, Sweden as part of the exhibition "River, Estuary, Ocean." | |
1 August 2001 | ATLASwebsite goes online - www.atlasplace.clara.net | |
1 June 2001 | SKY MAP (balloon release). Commissioned
by PLACE to coincide with the official opening ofCardiff Bay
Barrage. Adrian Holme's and Hana Sakuma's collaborative performance/event offers an alternative experience to the erasure, enclosure and consumerism embodied in the development ofCardiff Bay. | |
April 2001 | Jonathan Adamson writes to the Chairman ofthe Peak National Park outlining a number ofideas and suggestions that would reduce the impact ofhigh voltage power transmission, initially in the Hazelhead, Longdendale area ofthe park, but with potential applications in other National Parks, AONB and the UK as a whole. | |
February 2001 | ASPIRE TO CLEAR HORIZONS and CLEAR HORIZONS documents become available on the Technical Indexes Ltd. Planning CD-Rom. | |
February 2001 | PLACE submits a response to the Scottish Executive's "Consultation Paper on Telecommunications Mast Development - November 2000." | |
January 2001 | Andrew Darke initiates a collaboration between PLACE, the Forest of Dean District Council and The Countryside Agency which aims to draw the telecomms companies into a special project to reduce the impact of their infrastructure on the environment of the Forest of Dean. | |
October 2000 | Response to the Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR) "Consultation Paper on Telecommunication Mast Development (by Telecommunications Code System Operators)" is returned. | |
April 2000 | CLEAR HORIZONS - 'Mobile Telephony and the Environmental Intrusiveness of Base Stations' report by PLACE and Ove Arup and Partners, is published with copies sent to the DETR, conservation and heritage organisations, the mobile telephony industry and the press. Website - www.clearhorizons.fsnet.co.uk | |
April 1999 | PLACE attends the “Mobiles and the Environment” Conference at the Cumberland Hotel, London and gives a presentation on the need to redress the damage being caused by the industry to the environment. | |
November 1998 | The potential sponsors meeting attended by participants of the "Beauty and the Mast" seminar and issues meeting, results in a revision of the above prospectus. The revised prospectus CLEAR HORIZONS is issued to the mobile telephony industry in March 1999. | |
July 1998 | PLACE and Ove Arup issue the ASPIRE TO CLEAR HORIZONS prospectus which proposes a cross industry project to reduce the impact of mobile telephony infrastructure, especially in rural areas. | |
June 1998 | PLACE and Ove Arup organise the "Beauty
and the Mast" seminar and issues meeting which brings together the mobile telephony industry, the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Countryside Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, Council for the Preservation of Rural England, planners, and others, for the first time in relation to this issue. | |
May 1997 | Arts Council of Great Britain grants £5000 to facilitate the employment of artists' skills on the above project. | |
December 1996 | Andrew Darke initiates, through the Public Art Commissions Agency, Birmingham, a collaboration with Ove Arup & Partners, Consulting Engineers, on a multi-client project to look at ways of reducing the environmental intrusiveness of mobile telephony base stations and infrastructure. | |
December 1995 | Work begins on proposals for Mount Stuart Graving Docks, Cardiff Bay - see the synopsis of the ATLAS project on www.atlasplace.clara.net | |
October 2006 | Material outlining PLACE’s ATLAS project at Cardiff Bay is published in the book “Capital Cardiff 1975-2020” edited by Alan Hooper and John Hunter published by University of Wales Press 2006 | |
August 2006 | “Planning” magazine (the journal of the Royal Town Planning Institute) prints a letter from PLACE demonstrating the inaccuracy of an earlier article. The letter is critical of the current approach of the mobile phone industry to environmental issues. | |
October 2005 | “Views, Vistas and Reverie – A Photographic Survey of the Intrusion of Telecommunications Infrastructure in the Landscape of the Forest of Dean” is published. | |
Januarv 2003 | Dr. Richard Cowell’s report “The Scope for Undergrounding Overhead Electricity Lines” (commissioned by Friends of the Lake District from the UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development), reproduces two of PLACE's photographs of National Grid's 400Kv open trough system, in use at Woodhead, within the Peak National Park, for approximately 1/4 mile. | |
June 2001 | "Landscape Research," Vol. 26 No.1, publishes a polemic by Tim Hall and Iain Robertson - "Public Art and Urban Regeneration: advocacy, claims and critical debates" - which includes a number of references to Andrew Darke's "ECOS" article. (See above.) | |
February 2001 | ASPIRE TO CLEAR HORIZONS and CLEAR HORIZONS documents become available on the Technical Indexes Ltd. Planning CD-Rom. | |
August 2000 | "alias" (artist led initiative advisory service) publication, documenting a pilot project, includes information on PLACE's contact with the service. The publication also uses a photograph on its cover of the pre-barrage tidal mud in Mount Stuart Graving Docks, Cardiff Bay, taken by Andrew Darke. The publication was commissioned by South West Arts and produced by Stroud Valleys Artspace. | |
July 1998 | PUBLIC:ART:SPACE, a book published by Public Art Commissions Agency (Merrell Holberton, London), includes the ATLAS project in its chapter "A strategy for public art in Cardiff Bay." The book documents a decade of PACA's advocacy, and commissioning, of art for public spaces. | |
July 1998 | PLACE and Ove Arup issue the ASPIRE TO CLEAR HORIZONS prospectus which proposes a cross industry project to reduce the impact of mobile telephony infrastructure, especially in rural areas. | |
1995 | Article by Andrew Darke "Art & Place: Cardiff Bay" in "ECOS. A Review of Conservation," Vo1.16 No.1, 1995. | |
November 2007 | Contact: Andrew Darke, Field House, Yorkley Wood, Nr. Lydney, Glos. GL15 4TU, UK tel. +44 (0)1594 562646 e.mail: andrewdarke@phonecoop.coop ; place@phonecoop.coop website: www.p-l-a-c-e.org Jonathan Adamson, Tower House, Cemetery Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 5NF, UK tel. +44 (0)1484 536103 | |
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